February OVAHC Meeting Minutes
Twenty-five members attended the monthly meeting on Saturday, February 8 at the
Jacobs home in Fairfield, OH on a cool and misty afternoon. President Scott Brown
called the meeting to order at 2 PM and thanked Jake and Joyce for hosting.
(applause) November minutes were approved as published in the Jan-Feb News-
President Scott spoke of the loss of Jim McCord last year. We recently learned of
this and read how he drove his Austin-Healey across the whole country. He was a
pilot, fisherman, and sailboat enthusiast. The (M.A.C.) Mid-American Classic will be
September 14-17 at the new Hocking Hills State Park Lodge. Check in Sunday, and
check out on Wednesday. The Southeast Classic is the next day to check in in
Franklin, TN. Thursday, September 18 – Sunday 21st to go home. So, you pick one
or do some driving and enjoy both. He also mentioned he ran into former longtime
member, Chuck Law. Chuck retired (again) and is enjoying driving his Harley
around Clermont County. If you wish to reconnect with Chuck, Scott has his smart
phone number.
Vice Presidents Wallace, Secretary Dale, Newsleak Editor Mary Ann, and Historian
John Parrott had no report.
Membership Rosalee gave a complete report for the 2025 OVAHC membership re-
newal drive. We have 46 OVAHC/AHCA members, and 4 multi clubs which total 50
National members. Seven locals only OVAHC members for 2025. We have 2 hon-
orary members and one guest member. There is one potential membership renewal
coming. There were 4 non-returning, 3 no responses, and one deceased member.
She asked all for a reply and was told 32 members signed up for Standard AHCA
membership and 5 took the Digital AHCA version. She asked everyone for car info
and is still in the process of compiling it. Rosalee also updated some emails and
phone numbers. She is preparing an updated 2025 roster for OVAHC and will re-
lease it when finished and approved by President Scott.
Activity Activator Skip said he is holding $630 worth of Concours d ‘Elegance dis-
counted tickets for the Sunday, June 8 show. See him buy them for $35 each which
is a savings of ten bucks. First come, first served with check or cash. Our club and
the BCCGC will park together with classic British cars in our traditional spot near the
main gate. Skip will display our banner and BCCGC will display their vertical feath-
er flags, too. Don Klein has volunteered to guard our spots, and we can relieve him
as needed to follow the parking corral rules of the show committee.
Skip looked into a possible caravan to Branson for the May 18-23, 2025, Conclave and figured it is about 650 miles
one way. Cincinnati to Cairo, Illinois for the first night is 250. Next day is 295 more in Branson, Missouri. You can
make your registrations now for the actual event.
Business Manager/Delegate Jake has contacted Live Oaks School and is making plans for two OVAHC drivers’
training sessions for 2025.
VP John Wallace is planning an overnight trip to Put-In-Bay, Ohio for early June. Contact Skip for any activity ques-
tions or suggestions.
Tech Director Tim reported about the first session of 2025. It was a remarkable day on 1/25/25 when Richard Pratt
and his family allowed us to drop by his house in West Chester and grab anything we wanted to save for the future
to keep our Healeys running well. Truckloads of quality items were totted away by seven of us. Richard is selling
his house, and he is moving to an assisted living apartment nearby. He seemed pleased that we were able to relo-
cate his tools for a good purpose. The club thanks him and his family for their generosity. His BJ8 is for sale, too.
Skip wants the TT over to continue working on his white MGA. John Parrott has more work on the suspension for
his "NEW" big Healey. Ken Kreuter wants a TT session, too. Scott may need a minor one for spring changes. Stay
tuned in. Contact Tim to join in, or to schedule a tech session.
Treasurer Cindy reported that since the O’Charley’s meeting in November: credit for Wisconsin gymkhana $500.
(applause) December split-the-pot $42. Membership renewals of 36 online rebates of $540. Ten AHCA dues for
$850. Seven locals only for $140. Debits for AHCA dues $700, local only $35 for insurance coverage. February
hosts $75. Current balance is good. Tech team balance remains at $1802. Cindy thanked Membership Rosalee for
all her efforts during the 2025 renewal season. (applause)
Business Manager/Delegate Jake said that Brad from the KC AH Club is working on Conclave 2025. Brad wants
area clubs to assist financially with sponsoring items in Branson. Bottom line, our club voted to send $250 for the
continental breakfast hospitality fund. Jake is also helping with the gymkhana for the show.
Jake is working with an AHCA committee which Jeff Porada is heading. They are brainstorming ideas for retaining
and expanding the AHCA membership. Since they agreed to offer digital only memberships, his desire is to attract
the next generation of Healey lovers. The focus may be geared toward Sprites to enable easier entry-level participa-
tion. Zoom tech sessions, marketing surveys, databases, questionnaires, and activity suggestions are all being con-
Web Administrator Don said it’s alive and well. If anyone sends him photos, please use the JPEG format. Scott
mentioned they are also in the OVAHC Dropbox file.
New business: Dale announced the 1958 restored Sprite belonging to John and Karen Haines was now for sale at
the reduced price of $12,500.
New business: John Wallace said the ROMEO lunch on 2/19 will be at Dinglehouse Pub in West Chester at 1:00
PM. Lauren said the Juliettes will meet at P. F. Chang’s Rookwood Pavilion on 2/26 at 12:30 PM.
New business: Ken Kreuter announced on February 25 St. Xavier High School Alumni and guests are invited to wit-
ness the “Eyes of Freedom” traveling memorial exhibit. It honors the 2005 loss of Marines, including his son David,
during the Iraqi War. He thanked OVAHC for our continuing support of the David Kreuter Memorial Scholarship
Fund. (applause)
The $80 split-the-pot was won by Gayle Loos for $40. The next meeting will be Saturday, March 22 at the Wallace
home near Eastgate.
President Scott thanked Joyce and Jake for hosting (applause), adjourned the meeting, and then went back to
snacking, socializing, and touring the man-cave in the basement.
Submitted by Secretary Dale